Club Night Events Programme
The club meets weekly between September and April
Weekly activities include :-
External Speakers. These are usually professionals who earn their living out of Film and Television industry. Recent speakers have included professional video makers, television or Film producers, TV Actors, news and sports TV Camera operators and Northwest Film Activists. It is common for them to show examples of their work and to talk about it.
Internal Speakers. are members, who talk about their filming activities. More experienced members will talk about technical topics such as use of drones, safety and regulations, editing techniques, software, use of sound and animation.
Competitions are held periodically. Members wishing to do can enter short films in categories such as local interest,60 second films, documentaries and holiday films.
Programme For 2025
17 February – Room 101 – A chance to have a rant about something which annoys you.
24 February – Tonight we will be viewing the films you made entitled “What I Did on Christmas Day”
3 March – A Lifetime of filming Railways – an evening with Mike Ellis.