
We are a group of independent local videographers with interests and experience in a wide range of film making techniques , from cine-photography and animation through to digital editing, image manipulation and post processing. We welcome beginners; why not come for a free visit and meet our friendly crowd.

News Letter Update 15th Oct 2024

14th Oct– Eric Competition and Dibden Trophy voting. The Eric was won by Richard Gaskell with “A walk around historic Lancaster.”

Peter Craven was voted Club Member of the Year and therefore takes the Dibden trophy.

In the second half of the evening we showed a collection of films featuring or made by Roy Wilson. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to show all the films so the rest will be shown at a later date.


21st Oct 2024–John Buchan will be coming to show slides on India, South Africa, and Galapagos.
If you want pie and peas on 4 November, please add your name to the list on the notice board tonight. Friends and family are welcome as well.

Monday 28 Oct – 50/50 evening with Lancaster Photographic Society. This will take place at their new venue – The Centre @ St Thomas, Marton Street, Lancaster, LA1 1XX. As you go round the one way system, bear right down the side of KFC, then turn right on Marton Street.
Limited parking is available at the end of Peter Street and off Marton Street, behind the Centre.
As we had a really good turnout from their members at our venue last year, please make every effort to return the favour and attend.

Monday 4 Nov – Graeme and Frank will give us a talk entitled “After the microphone what comes next?”
Tonight is the annual pie and pea supper, so don’t have too much tea.

Our Club Meets at 7:30 pm on Mondays from September to April at St Christopher’s Church Hall, St Christopher’s Way, Morecambe , LA4 6EE. email mbmm@btinternet.com

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